
NR Distributor


N.R Distributors deals with Unilever and PnG export. Our comprehensive services will ensure that you encounter no problems whatsoever, from assisting you in finding the appropriate customers to packaging your food and sending it off. “By utilizing Food and Other Cosmetic Products Export's programs we have increased export sales & profit, which has allowed us to scale our operations.”

Buy Your Favorite P&G Professional Products

P&G Professional products are now available for purchase online from your preferred retailer, or from your nearest distributor.

Our Product Category

Beauty & Wellbeing
Personal Care
Home Care
Ice Cream

Smart strategy & excellent performance

Process that guarantees high productivity and profitability for your solution.

Data Analysis

We conduct thorough data collection and analysis of your institution’s current strengths and differentiators.

Making a plan

We will work together with you to develop a plan that is actionable, feasible and tailored to your needs.

Deliver Result

Our role in this step is to provide expertise where needed, to augment select initiatives as desired.

Some Of Our Product

Process that guarantees high productivity and profitability for your solution.
